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I am a big fan of Daniel Hope. He is truly multi-talented: a violinist, author, broadcaster, musical activist, festival director AND he has just taken over as musical director of the Zurich Chamber Orchestra.
I was delighted to be able to spend a day with Daniel and get a glimpse into his world and those who have influenced him.
Daniel says that Yehudi Menuhin was the reason he became a violinist. So, in this year that Menuhin would have turned 100, Daniel wanted to mark the occasion.
He recorded an album in tribute to Menuhin – such a pleasure to listen to – and then we also joined Daniel for the day at the Konzerthaus in Berlin where he had helped to set up a festival in Menuhin´s honour.
The day we filmed him he was taking part in a concert titled ‘Music and Kinetic Painting’ – a fascinating project involving Norman Perryman, also a long time friend of Menuhin, painting to live music.
I always love it when classical music is presented a bit differently so really enjoyed this fresh and exciting performance.
Norman even painted live to Daniel´s Horn Challenge, which I am sure you will giggle at! This is a special episode about a very special musician who is doing so much for our classical music world. I hope you will enjoy spending the day with Daniel as much as I did.